Pracheta Pawar

Peek Into
my Journey

hover around to know me


My design Philosophy centres on achieving the most creative solutions in the simplest way possible. My creative journey thrives on an insatiable curiosity—an incomparable quality to empathize—coupled with an unyielding desire to learn and innovate. I believe in the power of genuine human connection, which is why I make it a point to engage with people extensively, allowing their insights to shape and enrich the creative process.


My purpose in design extends beyond aesthetics and functionality; it is deeply rooted in making a meaningful impact on the world. In alignment with this mission, I’ve dedicated my efforts to crafting projects that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These projects stand as tangible manifestations of my belief that design can be a powerful force for positive change. I view my role as a designer as a catalyst for positive transformation. I strive to weave purpose into the fabric of every design.

Pursuing purpose
through changes

Path to Design

I was a kid, who loved being outdoors, playing and running with my bunch of friends, living one day at a time. Despite sounding so simple, this brought me abundant joy. However, the trajectory of my life took an unexpected turn when a school counsellor suggested I might have dyslexia. The subsequent journey led me to intimidating government hospitals, where various activities were meant to decipher my condition. Though I enjoyed the activities, the experience left me feeling as though they were trying to prove I was somehow flawed. In my vulnerability, I even questioned the fairness of the universe for making me this way.

The discovery of design occurred serendipitously in the least-expected corners of my life. I found my way into graphic design by following my creative instincts and passion for sketching illusions. The prospect of visually offering solutions resonated deeply with me, tapping into the joy I experienced in problem-solving. I was fortunate to be surrounded by a community of creative minds throughout my Bachelor of Design journey.

Growing up, the uncertainty of my future loomed large. I never chased grades, finding no allure in conventional success. However, an innate affinity for mathematics persisted. I couldn’t envision myself as a doctor or engineer, leading me to wonder if any pursuit would bring me joy and reveal my authentic calling.

This environment became transformative, rebuilding my confidence, eliminating stage fear, and fostering a genuine connection with people. I embraced my newfound strength, realizing that my perceived weakness and disability were, in fact, wellsprings of unique ideas and perspectives. Today, though still a work in progress, I navigate life with a sense of security, understanding my skills, learning from mistakes, and cherishing the ongoing process of self-discovery.

Ping me here

Hey there! If you’re a potential client with dreams to realize, a creative soul up for collaboration, or someone bursting with exciting ideas, I’d love to connect. This is more than a contact form; it’s an invitation to a conversation. Share your thoughts, and let’s craft something extraordinary together. I’m genuinely excited to hear from you and explore the magic we can create. Let the journey begin!